Fine-tuning the language of your piece, I will adjust words, sentences, and even paragraphs to improve logic and flow to make the best impression possible.
I will ensure correct spelling, syntax, and punctuation are used throughout.
I also check for:
I will supply you with a style sheet personalized for your manuscript along with thorough comments and suggestions.
What type of editing do you need? Check out the EFA's nutshell definition of editorial skills or this more in-depth definition.
I will scrutinize your document with a fine-tooth comb, catching typos and mistakes in spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation.
My job is to check for quality before the book goes into production. I take the original edited copy and compare it to the proof to make sure that there are no omissions or missing pages. I also correct awkward word or page breaks that may have been missed.
Every Project is Unique
Since every project is unique, definitive copy editing, line editing, and proofreading rates cannot be stated without a full description and representative sample of your project.
My rates fall within those of the EFA's editorial rate survey.
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🚫 I do not edit/index erotica, horror, political, religious/spiritual, or supernatural material, nor do I review books I work on; the possible conflict of interest may weaken the value of the review. To see reviews of books I have read, go here.
Indexing is more than just compiling a list of words or phrases and where they appear; that is a concordance. Indexes give readers a map of pertinent information in a book.
Understanding and organizing the information and ideas in a text and creating a helpful index requires a human touch.
While the author is the expert on the subject, I approach it from the viewpoint of a reader who is not as knowledgeable on the subject and create a personalized and more useful index. But do you really need to hire a professional indexer? Read more here or listen to this NYT podcast (16:30–19:19) before trying to write one. Sylvia Coates also offers a free 8-hour intro indexing course.
Indexing rates are generally charged by the page and vary depending on the material being indexed, type required (back-of-the-book or embedded/hyperlinked index), density and subject matter, deadline, and so on. Providing the entire book or a large representative sample of the formatted text makes for a more accurate quote.
P.O. Box 301836, Escondido CA 92030
PRIVACY POLICY: Information collected is solely for assessing your project and is never sold. An NDA is available upon request.
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